Our Milwaukee and Waukesha Area Physical Therapists are Now Offering
Intramuscular Trigger Point (Dry) Needling Therapy
Our Physical Therapists located in Greenfield, Franklin, and New Berlin (Waukesha County), are now practicing an alternative to pain relief in combination with or in place of traditional physical therapy, Trigger Point (Dry) Needling Therapy. Trigger Point (Dry) Needling is an invasive procedure in which a sterile, solid filament (Acupuncture) needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directed specifically at the myofascial trigger point. The needle is guided in and out of the trigger point area to cause a "twitch" response and to relax the muscle spasm.
Problems that can be treated by IntramuscularTrigger Point (Dry) Needling:
Get Better, Faster from Various Injuries
•Back Pain/Sciatica
•Peripheral Neuropathy
• Hip and Leg Pain
•Neck Pain / Headaches
•Shoulder/Arm Pain
•Frozen Shoulder
•Tennis/Golfers Elbow
•Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Plantar Fascitis/Neuroma Pain
Jaw (TMJ) Pain
And More
The treatment of the muscles has the greatest effect on reducing pain and referred pain patterns compared to Massage, Acupuncture, & Traditional Physical Therapy on the body.
FAQ's about Trigger Point Dry Needling:
How does it work?
Based on the pioneering studies of Dr. Jay Shah and colleagues at the National Institute of Health, we know that inserting a needle into a trigger point can cause favorable biochemical changes which assist in reducing pain. It is essential to elicit so-called local "twitch" responses, which are spinal cord reflexes, to get the muscle to relax. Getting local twitch responses with dry needling is the first step in breaking the pain cycle.
What is a Trigger Point?
Myofascial (myo = muscle and fascial = spider web tissue surrounding muscle, bones and organs) Dysfunction is a muscle
disorder characterized by trigger points. A Trigger Point is a small area of muscle that is in spasm (contracted), causing taut bands and hypersensitivity. These so called "knots" in the muscle cause a restriction of the blood supply (ischemia) reducing the amount of oxygen (hypoxia) leading to the accumulation of metabolic waste products and toxins which sensitize the trigger point causing it to send out pain signals and further increase local and/or referred symptoms. Thus, the local physiology of a trigger point involves a vicious repeating pain cycle that needs to be broken.
What is the Cause of a Trigger Point?
A Trigger Point in the muscles or fascia tissues lead to myofascial pain causing an entire muscle to be painful, tight, weak, and more easily fatigued. The cause is multi-factorial. It is built on a combination overworking or overstressing muscles, poor posturing, static or sustained postures, overuse, misuse, underuse and/or direct trauma of muscles. Trigger Points can be either the cause or a contributing factor of a wide variety of painful conditions that you have.
What Type of Problems can be Treated with Trigger Point (Dry) Needling?
Trigger Point (Dry) Needling can be used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal problems. Muscles are thought to be the primary contributing factor to the symptoms. Such conditions include, but are not limited to: neck, back and shoulder pain (i.e. frozen shoulder), headaches to include migraines and tension-type headaches, arm pain (i.e. tennis elbow), hip, buttock and leg pain (i.e. sciatic), jaw (TMD) pain, whiplash, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. The treatment of the muscles has the greatest effect on reducing pain mechanisms in the body.
Is This Procedure Painful?
Yes and No. Trigger Point Therapy does have a reputation as being painful, but only when someone is pressing too hard on the sensitive muscles during massage. However, trigger point (dry) needling can be quite comfortable to receive. Most patients do not feel the insertion of the needle. The local twitch response elicits a very brief (surprising) painful response. Some patients describe this as "pressure", having a little "electric shock" and others feel it more like a "cramping" sensation. Some clients may experience some mild discomfort but is often described as a "good pain" that rates low on a standard pain scale and is actually welcomed by most clients. Again, the therapeutic response occurs with the elicitation of the local twitch and that is a good and desirable reaction.
What Side Effects Can I Expect After the Treatment?
Most patients report some soreness after each procedure. The symptoms are described as muscle soreness orbruise feeling over the treated areas and into the areas of referred symptoms. Typically, the soreness lasts between a few hours and two (2) days. Some patients also get a "Sympathetic Reaction" which includes sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness and nausea but are less common. We recommend drinking a lot of water after treatments to flush the system.
How do we Treat Trigger Points?
Your PROCare Physical Therapist will first palpate specific muscles to locate the pain producing Trigger Points that are found along the taut band ("knot") in the muscles. Once these are identified and confirmed as a source of your pain, they are treated with several methods of therapy that include, but is not limited to: Dry Needling, Acupressure (manual compression), Manual Therapy using Myofascial Release and Massage, Stretching, Moist Heat and a Home Exercise Program (theracane, stretching, heat, etc.).These forms of therapy are to De-Activate the Trigger Point to reset or relax the muscle, increase blood flow, and return the injured area to a more normal state (Homeostasis) of function. The crux of the treatment is to identify the causes which lead to the development of these triggers points and correcting them.
How Long Does it Take for the Procedure to Work?
This varies from patient to patient and from various conditions or problems you may have. Typically, it takes several treatment visits for a positive reaction to take place, especially if a chronic condition. Your PROCare Physical Therapist will set up a treatment plan of care based on your problems.
With Dry Needling, we are trying to cause a mechanical and biochemical change without using any pharmacological means. Therefore, we are looking for a cumulative response to achieve a certain threshold after which the pain cycle is broken and you begin to have pain relief.
What Should I Do After the Treatment?
Our recommendations vary depending on the amount treatment performed and the amount of soreness you describe. Based on an individual's response, we usually recommend gentle stretching, modifications of activities (light exercise), moist heat to increase blood flow for healing and/or icing to decrease inflammation and swelling if present.
How do I know if I am a candidate for Dry Needling?
Patients with a pain causing the muscle to be painful or those not progressing as rapidly with manual therapy or other types of physical therapy treatments should ask their physical therapist or physician if they are a good candidate for this alternative therapy.
Is Dry Needling similar to Acupuncture?
From a Physical Therapist standpoint the only similarity between Acupuncture and Dry Needling is the tool that is used for this alternative therapy, the sterile disposable Acupuncture type needles. Dry Needling is used to release muscle tension and decrease muscle pain while Acupuncture focuses on balancing the flow of energy through the body. Dry Needling is strictly based on Western medicine principles and research versus Eastern medicine and use of meridians of pain pathways which is used in Acupuncture.
Hear From Our Dry Needling Therapy Patients:
Alexandra F. (pictured with PT Aide, Stephanie), Dry Needling Patient
"At first when Brian told me about Dry Needling Therapy I was a little skeptical about it. After the first treatment I felt RELIEF! I even looked forward to my Dry Needling treatments because I knew I would feel better. Everyone here is wonderful. They are all friendly and make you feel comfortable."
- Alexandra F., Neck/Shoulder Patient, Greenfield Clinic
Troy Lewan (pictured with PT/CEO David Tranchita),Dry needling Patient
"I did Dry Needling for 3 appointments and it worked great. At first my soleus muscle (calf muscle) was so sore to touch and basketball wasn't even a thought. After my appointments now its great playing basketball 3 days a week and its been a great experience. I recommend PROCare to everyone. Thanks Again!"
-Troy L., Achilles Patient, New Berlin Clinic
"My experience at PROCare has been excellent and really has exceeded my expectations. Now my outlook on my shoulder problem does not seem nearly as bad as I originally anticipated. I work in the automotive customer service field where taking care of the customer is priority #1 and does not come close to how well I have been treated by the entire staff and especially Abigial, I would recommend anyone to come here!"
-Thomas G., Greenfield Clinic
"I had Dry Needle Therapy today and it took away the pain in my lower right side of my back. When Abigail put the needles in my lower right side all I could feel was a little needle prick. It seem to feel better after Dry Needle Treatment and it took away some stiffness. The manual therapy us such a comfort, it also helps with the stiffness in my lower back. Abigail has magic in those hands of hers."
-Patricia I., Greenfield Clinic
"I like the slogan (We've Got Your Back...) because it was certainly true in my case! Dave is magic with the Trigger Point Therapy, I am completely sold, on this new procedure. Thanks again to the entire staff- it has been a pleasure being treated at PROCare." - Jennifer W., New Berlin Clinic
To learn more about Trigger Point (Dry) Needling and how this Alternative Therapy can benefit those in pain call 414.858.1361 now!
Congratulations to PROCare Physical Therapy Staff for Their Recent Certification in Intramuscular Dry Needling! (CMTPT)
David Tranchita, MA, PT, OCS, CMTPT, CSCS; Brian Bedalov, MSPT, CMTPT; and Abigail Jurinek, DPT, CMTPT recently completed their Certification in Intramuscular Dry Needling. They represent 3 of the only 70 physical therapists in Wisconsin, and 3 of 150 physical therapists in the United States who have this certification. Dave, Brian and Abigail have already had significant training in Intramuscular Dry Needling. and this recent class and exam was the final step in their certification process.
Dry Needling is an extremely effective pain management treatment tool, particularly for those patients with consistent pain, or those not progressing as rapidly with other types of treatments.
Visit us in NEW BERLIN at:
14999 W. Beloit Road,Ste B at the
Suffered a Work Related Injury?
Congrats to our Physical Therapist,
Shaun Powers MPT, CWCHP,
Shaun is now a Certified
Workers Compensation
HealthCare Professional.
Through this certification,
Shaun has been able
to expand his knowledge and
expertise on how to best treat
work related injuries.
Please join us in
Suffering from Neck/Jaw pain?
Congrats to our physical
therapists Abigail Jurinek, DPT
and Brian Bedalov, MSPT for
completing their advanced
training in TMJ Dysfunction.
This training will allow them to
better treat individuals suffering
from TMJ. Symptoms of TMJ
include: neck pain/stiffness,
headaches, jaw clicking, and
limited ability to yawn, talk, or
Suffering from TMJ-Dysfunction? Call:
PROCare Physical Therapy at 414-727-3345
PROCare Physical Therapy
Offers FREE Pain Assessments By
Walk-In or Appointment!
To Set Up Your
FREE Pain Assessment
Call 414-858-1361
or Stop By the Nearest Clinic to You
FREE Foot/Ankle Injury Clinic on
Monday, June 17th from 5:30-7pm
PROCare Physical Therapy and Dr. Sean Wilson from Aspen Orthopedics are teaming together to provide FREE 15 minute pain assessments in the Princeton Club located at 14999 W. Beloit Rd, New Berlin. Call 414-858-1361 to reserve your spot!