New Berlin Aquatic TherapyAquatic Therapy especially benefits patients with back pain, chronic pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, foot and ankle patients who are experiencing diabetic neuropathy,knee problems and those post operative patients who are having weight-bearing issues. Pregnant women, Senior Citizens and overweight patients all benefit greatly from physical therapy in the water.
PROCare Physical Therapy offers Aquatic Therapy at our New Berlin clinic in Waukesha County, in three different pools. The warm-water Whirlpool offers three main healing ingredients: heat, buoyancy and massage. The cold-water, Resistance Current Pool offers an adjustable current which allows individuals of all abilities to swim or walk in place against the current with optimal therapeutic benefits. A cold-water Lap Pool is also available for aquatic therapy exercises when needed. Our Physical Therapists will decide which of these pools would benefit each patient's Physical Therapy Treatment Plan after an evaluation.
Patient Testimonials: "PROCare has dramatically helped my back and leg numbness. I loved the water exercises and learned so many things to better my health. Everyone at PROCare is dedicated to each and every patient! I have learned to walk correctly and do specific exercises for strengthening my back and core. Thank you is so minor compared to the HUGE benefits I received!" -Linda C. (Aquatic Therapy Patient with Back Pain)
"What a tremendous difference it made for me once I had therapy in the pool!! I had a problem with scar tissue and bending of my left knee after the replacement in December. Once my scar formed the pool was the place for me. Julie and Ben helped me to do exercises and made sure they were done correctly. Each week brought on a big improvement. I loved the pool!" -Lynne W. (Knee replacement/Osteoarthritis)
"The physical therapy I have received at PROCare has helped me regain strength in my legs and back and improved my balance. The introduction of water therapy made exercising more interesting and will be useful in the pool in the future. The frequency and intensity of pain is now minimal and usually can be controlled with exercise and ice." -Shirley W. (Back pain/Sciatica) 6520 W. Layton Ave. 7400 W. Rawson Ave., Ste 225 (Inside of The Princeton Club) Email: Office Hours: