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Medicare Part B-covered services

A person’s Medicare Part A plan covers hospital insurance, but there are many other expenses that a person can run into. This is why Original Medicare includes both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. Original Medicare is a federal health insurance program, and it is essential to know about both parts of the program when deciding whether or not to enroll. There is a third basic Medicare program available, called Medicare Advantage plan. This plan is also called Medicare Part C. This plan will cover everything in Medicare Part B and Medicare Part A, as well as have additional benefits, but it is not the right plan for everyone. For example, Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, also called Medigap plans, cannot be purchased with Medicare Advantage. These supplemental plans can help cover expenses not covered in Original Medicare. Learning what Medicare Part B is, how much it costs, and what it covers, is vital to finding the best health insurance plan through Medicare for you.
What Is Medicare Part B?
Medicare Part B is a federal health insurance program that is sometimes referred to as medical insurance through Medicare. It covers a wide range of things that Medicare Part A does not cover. You will need to have Part B Medicare coverage if you decide to sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan or if you want to purchase a Medicare Supplemental insurance plan. Medicare Part B covers a wide range of services related to healthcare, and can also cover supplies that are medically necessary. A complete list of what is covered by Medicare Part B would be extremely long. Here are examples of what is covered as well as some of the most commonly utilized covered services. Be aware that the care that you receive will need to come from providers who accept Medicare.
What Part B Covers
Part B Medicare policies include coverage for doctors’ visits, which is one of the most common uses for insurance. In addition, some types of preventative care, including certain cancer screenings and lab costs, are also included. Other preventative care that is included is an annual wellness visit/general checkup. Diabetes screening, as well as supplies and services related to diabetes, can also be covered. Flu shots, pneumonia shots, depression screenings, and second opinions if your doctor decides you need surgery also fall under Medicare Part B.
Mental health services and clinical research can also fall under Part B coverage. Once you have your Medicare Part B coverage, make sure to look over everything that is covered.
How Much Does Part B Cost?
People who have a Medicare Part B policy will generally pay for 20% of the approved costs that are covered. This means your Medicare policy will cover 80% of the costs. There will be some services, such as flu shots, which might not cost you anything. In addition, people who enroll in Medicare Part B will likely pay a monthly premium for this insurance policy. In 2019, the standard premium was $135.50 per month. People with higher incomes could pay more, however, and people with lower incomes could pay less.
Other expenses that are associated with Medicare Part B include the deductible. After your deductible is paid, your coinsurance would kick in, and you would pay 20% of costs afterward, as mentioned above. Keep in mind that Medicare Part B does not cover all medical expenses. You may want to get additional insurance to cover things not covered, like routine dental care, routine vision care, prescription drugs, and inpatient care.
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